
Organizing Your (Ahem, My) Home

Mom sent me a link to a Martha Stewart web page full of practical and pretty ideas for organizing. Here were my favorites (all of which I plan to implement/have implemented).
To start, I will give you the link where you can find the answers to "How do I do this?" question.

Coffee Filters to prevent scratches when nesting your pots and pans. Brilliant!

A cake stand full of the every day essentials: salt and pepper, olive oil, and maybe a few favorite spices. Never hunt for the things you reach for the most often.

Grommets to hang towels and gloves inside the door. Seriously, why didn't I think of this??


Labels for the frozen things in your life. 


Dishtowel that doesn't fall off every. single. minute.


The spring loaded dowels are such a good idea for utilizing shelf storage. Love this.


Lid organization is an area I need help with. Please, someone help me!

Old dresser drawer, wine crates, or whatever with casters on the bottom. Think of all the stuff you would never have to look at ...


This is my favorite idea. The kids' towels are always a wet, messy pile. Three towel bars attached to the door look fantastic and would really work well.


Just when you thought your bathroom had no storage. Look up! Attach a shelf to the top of your door. Cute and practical. 

Bye bye blow dryer and straightener mess under the sink. Attach to hooks and hang from doors. 

I just adore Martha.


  1. No kidding! I'm loving her right now myself!

  2. Totally did the cakestand thing. Just now. A-dorable. I couldn't wait any longer to get use out of my adorable cake stand (thank you thank you!).


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