

As you might have known, I have been in Montana this week attending the 

It was absolutely incredible. I learned so much about business, branding, and of course, more than a few photography tricks...

And while I am inspired with ideas (and I have lots!) the first item of business is to move away from this blog and showcase my photography in a better format. So, I am working on that now, and it will be launched shortly. Don't worry, though, this blog will still remain ... and I promise to post daily just as I (almost) always have.

And ironic as this is, the photographs I am showing you tonight were not taken by me. My good friend took them today ... while I was busy bribing Claire and shooting from a different angle. I haven't had a chance to edit mine yet, so here you go: 
Claire from another Perspective. Another set of eyes. 

Another photographer...
 Who wants to remain anonymous for fear he will steal all my clients. ;)

(this one is my favorite... those sweet chunky legs!)

We were playing peek a boo (I was sitting to the far left of photo).

Today was hot. Shot during the harshest lighting. We melted.
But I have to say. Totally worth it.

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