
Tiny Seed.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Claire who loved her bunny. 

Who loved books.
And this one, The Tiny Seed, is one of her favorites.

If Claire couldn't take a book everywhere she went, she would be one unhappy girl. Who would yell a lot (trust me on this). And loud. The girl can yell loud.

So the story goes ...

A field. A book. A brother. A bunny. 

And a Mommy who loves them all very much.

Especially when they do things like this without being asked. Oh how their Mommy adores them.

Claire loves to read out loud. She reads to the bunny. She reads to her Mommy. To herself.

Here, Claire read the words ... "Flower. Is that a man? Is that a girl?"

And her brother was busy looking for bugs and playing airplane in the field. Not caring about the bunny or the book or his sister and her adorable take on the story. Bugs ...

So Claire, wanting to find bugs as well,  finished her story, licked her bunny, and stood up.

And started to yell.

The End ...

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