(Back story: We just had our basement finished for much needed space for company to stay, kids to play, and my office.)
Let me first say, there was a time when I rebelled against a phone that could also take a picture. I mean, come on. How lazy does a person have to be to use their phone to take mediocre pictures? Ahem. Thank you, dear inventor of camera phones, for lazy people like me who don't want to have to mess with a heavy camera, switch out the lens, and obsess over the perfect shot.
Enjoy my new bathroom (iPhone pictures and all).
Vintage was the theme. It's my favorite. I see now that I should have moved the trash can before taking the picture, but hey, I was in a hurry.
Here's the huge ol' shelf we had built inside the tub area to collect toys, body scrubs, toys, shampoo, and toys.
I love the curved shower curtain for it's look and functionality. It gives so much more room to shower. And check out the shower head. Best shower in the house, including our walk-in upstairs.
We had beadboard - installed floor to ceiling - and I love the way it looks. The mirror tilts, too. And look, it's me! Hello KU t-shirt. Wearing it proud!

More tomorrow!