
Today is the day

First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for their outpouring of support. This the first time I have blogged on this site and wished it was under different circumstances. I have heard from friends all over country, old friends from high school and colleagues and it has truly touched me. I haven't been able to reach back but I promise to in the weeks to come.

As I write this, I am sitting at my new hospital awaiting my first round of chemotherapy. I should be starting in about two hours (1PM Mountain time). I am so excited to get started and get the treatment underway.

I did get a bit of good news in that they think they may send me home on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week instead of keeping me in the hospital. I am trying not to get my hopes up to high but I would love nothing more to be at home with my wife and kids. That truly has been one of the hardest things about this past week.

I will try and keep everyone updated on how it is going. It doesn't sound like too much will change for the next few days so hopefully will be able to start answering back all of your messages.

Again, thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. I feel great and am ready to get this going and will need those as we move forward.

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