
Home Sweet Home

Made it home in one piece. The road trip was a piece of cake - not a speck of drama over movie watching, no lost flip flops ... nada. Just a lot of junk food (when was the last time you had Nibs??) and talking.

Our visit was awesome. Wayne had a surprise birthday party and Claire had a "Meet the Baby" party. So fun to see everyone! Donna (Wayne's mom) and Bev (his aunt) made a lot of yummy food and there was plenty of beer to go around. Perfect party!

Caeden was in Heaven. He has a belly laugh that only comes out when he is with his grandpa and grandma. It's this infectious laugh that stops you in your tracks - and I always think, "how come I can't make him laugh like that?!" -- Probably because I am too busy sending him to the corner for all the things that grandpa and grandma think are so cute and funny. Oh well, that's what they are for right?

One of the nights we went to some friends' house for a BBQ. It was an incredible feeling to be outside visiting with everyone that we seldom get a chance to see. Yet, conversation came so easily and the feeling of being surrounded by friends is a comfort we really miss.

On other news ... does anyone else out there love pear tomatoes the way I do? I have three plants thriving outside. I see green lil' pear tomatoes all over the place and can't wait to make a tomato and mozzarella salad. Ripen up already, please.

I have also hit the 6 week postpartum mark. I have made running a half marathon my goal for this fall. I was all set to start running again but Wayne is traveling a lot again. I wish so much he could be home at night. I miss how much smoother the evenings go when there is two of us to handle the craziness of children, dinner & clean up. I am so wiped at night I crawl into bed and am asleep in 10 seconds flat. How are all you moms working out??? I want him to stay home. I need him. My flabby stomach needs him home so I can go run. Come home, Wayne.

More tomorrow ...
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