
The Reality of the Road Trip

Grandpa and Grandma Koop are going to have their hands full when we invade next week. We're making the drive (7 hours give or take) for Wayne's birthday and the 4th of July. We've already started making a list of things to pack (foggy brains don't do well without lists ... well, who I am kidding, I don't do well without a list EVER). It will be quite the challenge to fit everything into our SUV. I think both Wayne and I have quitely pondered if we made the right decision when we traded in our (very short lived) Honda Odyssey Minivan last year. We could really use the space - and it got great gas mileage. Of course, neither one of us will ever admit to wishing we had it back, but just between you and me, I think Wayne misses it more! ;)

I'm thinking of all the times I'll be hurdling my body into the backseat between the two carseats in an attempt to soothe Claire, find Caeden's (toy, blanket, Cheez its) -- you fill in the blank. This will usually entail losing at least one of my flip flops (probably wedged between the passenger seat and the console), breaking out into a sweat (remember that newborn cry?), uttering some sort of back-handed comment to Wayne about how this was a bad idea and utter,"How come I can't drive?," and finally, debate with Caeden about wanting to pick out the next movie we watch.

Mommy can't take Bob the Builder for one more second...

But then, we'll get there and it will be awesome. We'll have amnesia about the trip and make it all over again in about eight weeks.

Just remind me not to re-read this after my amnesia kicks in, yes?
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