
Day 5

Wayne is nearly complete with cycle 7. Tomorrow he goes uptown to get his pump disconnected, and then ... done. He is tired. I can see it in eyes. When he sits in a chair, his eyes automatically close. He doesn't eat very much (well, he didn't eat pasta tonight ... could have been my cooking, I suppose...).

Most sarcoma patients endure 6 rounds of this chemo. It is hard on your heart - and 6 rounds is about it. Wayne did two rounds before we found our way to Houston. His Oncologist there believes things start and stop with him, so according to him, Wayne has completed round 5. Not to worry, though. His heart function is still within reasonable limits ... but man, his poor body is enduring so much.

The weather is turning cooler here. Trees are starting to boast orange and yellow leaves, and the fire pit outside Allen and Jody's house (our neighbors) feels wonderful. Soon Halloween will be here and Wayne will be feeling so much better. We cannot wait.

I am going to try and make a trip back to Rapid in October. I'd like to see if there is any interest in some holiday mini-sessions while I'm back. I have some great locations (and fun props if you want) in mind. The low-down: All-inclusive Session (30-45 minutes), Digital Negatives (20-30) with copyright release (they are all yours), a few large prints, and holiday cards. I am still working out the price (which will be hard to resist, I promise!). If you are interested in booking a session, please email me at valerie@beinthemoment.net. If there is enough interest, I will post a firm date and will start booking sessions.

Have a great weekend.
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