
Daddy's Home ... Caeden's Point of View

I got Mom's iPhone and figured out how to take pictures. Here's Grandpa ...

And Dad. He got home today with a huge cut down his chest. All of the germs crawled out of his heart and he is all better now. He even has a special pillow to hold against his chest when he coughs.

Here's Mimi. She came over today and brought me candy and chocolate cake.

Here's Grandma. She got into the wine again.

And Claire. She started crawling yesterday and everyone made a big deal about it. So what? I can walk backwards, hop on one leg, AND do somersaults and no one says a word.

Dad is taking it easy today. He sits in his chair and walks around a little bit. I can't jump on him, and he can't pick me up, but I sure am glad he is home.
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