
The Kindness of Others

These are our others. Our dear friends from Parker that we miss so dearly. The ones that live beside us, across from us, just down from us. The ones that saw us through some very dark days. Through some fun, hot summer days. Through normal, "let's walk together and get the mail" days... and all the other days, too.

We had a brown patch in our front yard resulting from a chinch (?) bug outbreak - brought by our old lawn service (I know this because our neighbors used the same service and also got the same bugs as we did). I blasted the darn things with poison before we left, hoping for the best; that our grass would grow back.

Apparently I was being overly optimistic.

So tonight, I got an email from Kasey with these pictures. The lump in my throat is huge, even as I type this. If I had to mutter one word I would probably lose it. I realize how easy it would have been to look at the brown spot and think, "Wow, wait until Val sees this. She needs someone out here to fix it." Or, "Glad that's not my yard." Or whatever. It would have been easy to do absolutely nothing at all. But not these guys.

They cut out the old grass (it was not a small area). They got new sod. Lugged and tugged it into place. Watered it. And still had the energy to smile for a picture.

Not to mention our dear friends who mow our yard and check on our house. Or, yet, the other ones who call, email, and text messages to let us know we haven't been forgotten.

To all of you - we are so blessed. Thank you for your kindness. We feel your love all the way up here.

Thank you.

And when we get back to town (July 19th) - be ready for repayment in the form of margaritas! I don't know what we'd do without you all. See you soon!

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