
Let's Start Here | Kalinowski Wedding | Denver Wedding Photographer | Colorado Wedding and Engagement Photographer |

From the beginning ...

Friday was filled with all things girlie. Pedicures and manicures. Breakfast at Snooze. Mimosas. Last minute bonding at Lindsay's house ...

Then there was the rehearsal but I didn't take pictures. Friend me on facebook for all sorts of pictures from other people, like the amazing Kelly K!

So, friday night Linz and I stayed at a hotel. We chilled together, bonding while we both were glued to our iPhones (ha).

In the morning we woke up and it all began ...

While Lindsay was getting ready in the hotel room, a gift arrived from Jordan...

He said (about picking something out for her), "She is easy ... she is classic. Pearls. It was obvious."

J, you knocked her off her feet. She LOVED them. Didn't even have words. Love that.

Perfect, huh?

The story continues tomorrow ...
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