
Possible Transfer

Wayne has been transferred to a new room. Room number 130 at Parker Adventist Hospital. He can now have visitors with no restrictions. This means the kids. :)

This moment, Caeden is crawling all over Wayne. Asking questions, pushing buttons, and saying over and over, "I sure do miss you!"

The room is already covered in drawings (of cement trucks and volcanos) and I can already see improvement in both Wayne and Caeden.

Here is what is going on:

1. We are moving Wayne to MD Anderson (University of Texas Hospital) Cancer Center ASAP. They have an Adult Sarcoma Cancer Center - just about as specialized as it comes for Wayne. We are so blessed to have collegues and friends who were able to give us a referral to MD and now we are waiting for: 1) The case manager to help us with the transfer 2) Wayne's current Oncologist to evaluate him to see if: a) it is possible for him to fly b) if treatment can be started here and then continued there or if he can just start down there (it would mean getting to Houston tonight or tomorrow - otherwise, chemo will have to start here because he has no time to wait).

Wayne's sister is flying in today, and my brother and sister in law will be here in (Denver) or Houston to help us. Wayne's parents, my mom, dad, sister, and Jordan are all here now helping with the kids, helping with the house, food, with everything. It has been a God send to have everything run as smooth as it has so that Wayne can have constant company.

As soon as I know what direction/location we are headed for, I will let you all know. We are feeling anxious to get started, but hopeful and optomistic that our plan is the right one.

For now, we still ask for your prayers for Wayne's strength, wisdom for his doctors, and for God to hold us all in his hands as we fight this.

Thank you for all of your support. I hear there is a Facebook support group, although I haven't had time to check it out. I think if you search for "Wayne Koop Support Group" or "Kristin Rozier" you'll be able to find it.

Wayne said he was going to blog today, so look for a posting from him - I know you are all anxious to hear from him.
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