The surround sound thing at home is huge for me. Thank you, Wayne. My tech-savvy husband will get a free pass from tearing my house apart as he installed the speakers. I be lovin' you, honey!
Anyway, so while all of this is going on, I am surfing the web, looking for things to buy that I know I won't. Look at this dress. LOVE this dress from Boden.
How sad is it that I have only 25% of that list???! Apparently, I need to stop buying Baby Lulu clothing for Claire and pony up for some decent clothes for myself. That little girl out grows million dollar outfits weekly.
Then I went here -- A Dinner Party Blog and found a recipe for some yummy parmesan-black pepper popcorn. YUM! I think I will make a batch when family comes to town.
Then, I went to Karen Russell's website to inquire on photography classes. I signed up, only to learn I am #325 on the waiting list. Nice. I'll be sure to hold my breath for that.
Off to find something to eat. Wouldn't it be nice to live in NYC and be able to have anything you wanted delivered? I love how everything is casually take-out (not just greasy Chinese food, you know?).