
Update: Wayne's Test Results from MD Anderson

1. The pain in Wayne's leg is not because of tumor growth. The tumor has not grown significantly (which is the primary area).

2. There, however, is growth in the tumors in his lungs--  but mostly in the smaller ones.

3. Dr. Patel gave Wayne the option of starting chemo now, or waiting 2 more months because the tumors have not grown a tremendous amount, but taking a position, Dr. Patel believes starting chemo is a good idea.

4. Wayne has decided to start chemo. He may push it back a week so that he can get some things in order, but he will be starting soon.

5. The two new chemo drugs are: Temozolomide (which is a pill) and Irinotecan (an I.V.)

6. The promising news for Wayne is that neither drug is administered all day like before. He will most likely do chemo for 2 weeks (for an hour each time instead of 7 or 8 hours) and then have a week break - and then start the treatment over again.

7. He will do this for 2 rounds (a total of 6 weeks) and then go back to MD Anderson for scans to see if the chemo is working.

Here is a simplistic description of the new drugs: Temozolomide Click Here and Irinotecan Click Here

Thank you so very much for your prayers, emails, and phone calls. There is no way we could get through this without you all.


A Prayer from Caeden this morning before school:

Thank You, God, for Your love.
Thank You for my Daddy.
Thank you.

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