
Parent Teacher Conference

Today we got to sit down with Caeden's teachers and talk about how things are going at school. We were so excited to hear about what they thought of him.

We arrived. Late. Thought the appointment was at 12:30 - but no, it was at 12:00. Great, we are those parents.

We leave and come back again at 1:30 ... Caeden sits down to play with Play Doh while we talk. Interestingly, he only talks to his teachers while we are there - "Look, I am playing nicely." And, "Where are my friends?" And then the real doosey - "Look at my monster truck (pointing to the toy he brought with him) it's going to start on FIRE!"

Crap! We're still those parents!

As I try to ignore my son's pirotechnic comment, I see him out of the corner of my eye, crashing his truck into the play doh and making exposive sounds. It occurs to me at that moment, maybe YouTube isn't exactly the best past time for him...

I can't believe I'm that parent!

So, back to Caeden's progress. He has fantastic fine motor skills. That kid can color the itty bitty-ist of things. Very cool to see his handy work. He has great social skills - friends he runs around with and is great at sharing (Which would be so hard! I mean when you think about it, usually sharing at his age means giving up a toy you want to play with just because some other kid comes and pulls it out of your hand, at which you must "share" and give it up. Totally hard!).
Anyway, he is good at that.

He has a bit of an issue with the alphabet. Isn't interested in letters or the song at all. Yes, Wayne and I have noticed that. Yes, we have been working with him. No, he could care less. Unless there is a fleet of monster trucks out there that have the alphabet painted on the door, he just could care less. Trying hard to work on that, though. In fact, after hearing his teachers talk about how he "guesses" the letters, I am headed to Target to find every Leap Frog learning tool out there. The flashcards just aren't cutting it.

I'll have him writing his name better than that Parker kid in his class who writes his name very well (so annoying!). Watch out Parker. Caeden's Mommy is bringing it!

Anyway, all kidding aside, Caeden's teachers sang his praises and had such nice things to say about him. We're so proud of our little man and are glad to hear he is learning so much.

"I'd rather be playing without clothing than learning the alphabet..."
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