
You know you wanted to see them ...

These aren't even his favorite pair, but he wears them enough that I feel like this is an accurate portrayal of what he wears these days (for those of you who conference call with him - sorry for the visual...)

Today Wayne had another MRI on his head, and a CT scan of his chest. We'll know the results tomorrow (we are looking for the spot in his head to stay the same size or decrease, as this might indicate a blood clot over a tumor).

Also, his open heart surgery has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 14th. He will be admitted into the hospital on Monday the 13th. This is a huge bummer because it's Caeden's 4th birthday, but we are glad to be moving forward and getting him into surgery.

For those of you who don't know, he has a large nodule on his lung that has grown a finger and has snaked it's way into his pulmonary valve and into his left atrium. Click here to see a picture of what I'm talking about. His surgeon, Dr. Parker at Presbyterian St. Lukes Hospital, is confident that he can remove the tumor; osteosarcoma tumors are "smoother" than other types of cancer, and are easier to remove via surgery.

His recovery time in the hospital is 5-7 days, and then he'll get to come home again and either start another round of chemo, or have the mass (if it turns out not to be a clot) removed from his brain.

We'll have more details after his appointment with Dr. Hinshaw (his Oncologist) tomorrow.
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