
Snapshots of a Good Life

You should have seen it around here this morning. Today was the registration day for an online photography workshop that I have been so excited to take. I originally signed up months ago and was put on the waiting list ... number 300+. But, there was an advanced sign-up for a class starting in March for anyone on the wait list. So, today was the day.

I knew there were going to be A LOT of people trying to get into the class, it is supposed to be amazing, so I was worried about getting a spot. Wayne, being the awesome person that he is, rearranged his travel so that he could stay home and be my wingman in case I couldn't get it. So, he is downstairs, with 2 laptops open and ready to go and I am upstairs on my computer trying to get in, but the internet was down on my system, and with 2 minutes until registration, I was FREAKING OUT. "Why doesn't our internet work, Wayne?" - In a total accusatory tone, like it is his fault. I fly down the stairs and whip open my laptop (yes, that means there are 4 computers in our house ... not counting all the ones in Wayne's office), and try to log in there.

Nope, internet still down. Now I am really paniced and stomping around. Caeden says, "Is your computer still broken because of the water spilling on it?" Poor little guy was all concerned that I was going to blow a gasket and is trying to talk me down.

I finally get the internet to work, log on, and refresh every second, like a wild woman, until I got into the registration page. Score! I typed as fast as I could, feeling confident that I was in. And then I kept getting errors. The server was crashing. Grrrrreat.

After all the drama, my registration went through and I am now an offical Karen Russell student. Go me! I am pumped to be able to take this class and learn all the little things about photography that (if you don't know them) become the big things.

Her blog.
Her website.

Oh, and about that cut-throat registration. I just checked, and there is still room (when will I learn to stop freaking out?!). She opened up another date.

In other news: Do you not just adore the wall in this bedroom? I want to do something like this in C & C's playroom. Love it! I would decorate like that in Caeden's bedroom, but I know he would tear it apart while "napping." I found the pictures here: Ohdeedoh.

And. This. Paint. Color. I loooooove it. Where could I paint this color at? What do you think about the downstairs powder room? My craft room is in the loft, which I open to the downstairs, do you think it is too much if you could see this color from the living room?

My dream is to have an old house with white cabinets in the kitchen - where it would not be odd at all to have this color in there. It kind of reminds me of Anthropologie for some reason.

I want to know what you think. Please post a comment, people.

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