
Wall E

As I type this, Caeden is at his first movie. Wayne took him to the earliest show on opening day. I know they got popcorn, candy and probably a slush. Wayne talked about his seating strategy (first row of stadium seating) to ensure Caeden would be able to see...

Caeden has been talking about going to the theatre all week long. I know how much Wayne was looking forward to taking him, too. But, I admit, I am so sad that I am not there, too. I really can't think of a "first" that I haven't been there for with Caeden. I guess I need to get used to it as "Father and Son" stuff becomes more and more common. I just can't wait to hear all about it. Wayne, not one for details, will have to recount Caeden's reactions to me in excruciating detail.

While they've been gone what have I done? Claire and I went for a walk in her new *kick butt* stroller:Here I thought I was getting into shape until I got home and turned on "The View" and learned that Elizabeth lost her baby weight by working out TWO HOURS a day with a trainer. There are a few choice words that I would like to use right now to describe that woman. However, I will try to keep it clean and use %^$#!. Please feel free to fill in the blank. And, yes, I know I am not making sense by hating a woman I should probably look to as fitness inspiration, but I figure as long as I'm not sleeping through the night, I am entitled to be catty and shallow.

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