
How it sucks you in

The internet. Am I the only one who sits online all night after the kids are in bed? How embarrassing to admit! But there are things to DO, people.

Like. Look for bathroom ideas (for the basement). Which leads me to a site that leads me to a site that leads me here: Farm Chicks. To this fab idea:

Which, of course, has NOTHING to do with bathrooms but has everything to do with cute and practical.

And now it's 10:30 and my eyes are burning and I still have no clue on bathroom fixtures.

But I do have a great idea for knives.

8 Things

1. Basement is being framed. Pictures to come soon!
2. Caeden spent the night with Mimi and brought home homemade food and slime.
3. Claire will not nap. Will not nap. Will not.
4. Wayne's white blood count is almost zero.
5. Creating a digital workflow that I will follow every.single.time so I am not up until 2am editing pictures.
6. Need to mow the back yard (only got to the front and ran out of: time, energy, good weather)
7. Joined the gym (again) last week and still haven't been there. I see all the Mom's in their cute workout clothing, dropping their kids off at school, and I think "Yeah, right. You aren't going either. You are just a better faker than I am."
8. Ran into a teacher at Caeden's school that stopped me in the hall. She asked me how we were doing, and what she could do to help. I promptly burst into tears. Her genuine kindness took me by surprise. It shouldn't, but it did.
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