
5 words.

It all started early this morning with a jet-lagged Uncle John entertaining Caeden. Showing him the ropes of the vintage Slinky that the Easter Bunny tucked into his brown basket. (Does that first photo not look like a gritty Urban Outfitters ad?)

We waited for Claire to take her morning nap so that we could go to Mimi's house for brunch. To waste some time, a friendly game of 'get the balloon' was played. And played.

And that's about the time the great idea came to mind. "I must get the peeps."

You know, Peeps. The mushy marshmallow candy that hurts your teeth when you even mutter the name. Peeeeeeeps.

Grandpa and Caeden ate their weight in Peeps today. I am wondering why no one has reminded me to make Dentist appointments? I cannot be trusted to remember. Just so you know.

Something green is in his hand. I suspect it made it sticky. And if I look close, I bet I see green on the sofa, too. You gotta take the good with the bad, people.

Here we all are (missed you so much, Nik!) at Mimi's house. Fun, heart-felt, happy, and full are the five words I chose to describe our day.

My favorite picture of the day. Little girl, if your daddy could have had his heart healed by a touch, by a moment ... he would not be packing for the hospital tonight.
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