
We made Cherry Almond Bread Today ...

I forgot to glaze the bread. Don't forget, it tastes better with it!

My cute measuring cups. You can find them here. Anthropologie has adorable measuring spoons, too.

My even cuter co-baker.

Day 6. That's my wonderful mother in law, Donna. Hi Mom!

Today I am baking away (Cherry Almond Bread, Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies, and Orange Almond Chewy Cookies) and trying to get Claire Bear on a schedule. She/we had another rough night last night. I counted 5 times up, and by 4 am I was SO GRUMPY. It's time for a change, but I feel like a first time Mom - totally unable to commit, so sure she is starving to death and NEEDS me every 1.5 hours. No, she isn't. No she doesn't ... right??

So, that's my Saturday. The house smells amazing but my little girl is upstairs trying to get to sleep on her own ... and neither of us are happy about that.

Stay strong, Val! -- I've taken to talking to myself...

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