
How you know Wayne is not suffering from neurological problems ...

As the nurses were trying to rouse Wayne from anesthesia they said, "Wayne the operation was a success! You are now a girl!"

His eyes flew open in a split second. ;)


  1. Okay that is funny :) I'm thinking of you guys tonight! I hope that he continues his successful recovery

  2. Kellie9:46 PM

    Oh, you just gave my daughter and husband a good laugh...and then my husband said, "That's not very nice!", and laughed some more. I think he will be up and going before you know it!

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    LOL!!!! My mother is a nurse so I grew up with sick humor like that! How funny! So glad he is doing well post-op. YOU Missy- get some rest! I sent you a message on Facebook. Go take a listen when you have a chance. I think you will really like it and so will Wayne (when he isn't so doped up on pain meds.)
    As always.... praying for you guys!


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