
Every Reason

Yesterday as I stood over Wayne's bed and watched him sleep, I cried for all the trauma he has gone through. I cried for the long scar that now runs down his chest, for his veins that have already suffered a great amount of damage from the chemo. I cried that there is so much more to come.

And then I think of them.

I think of how Wayne does not feel like this journey is impossible, or even that hard. I think of how he knows that these two are worth fighting for. Are worth the pain, the surgeries, the unknown.

And I know that we have every reason to believe everything is going to be okay. Two really big reasons.

Playing with the kids this morning, and then off to the hospital for the day. I'll post tonight when I get home and let you know how he is doing.

Thank you all for being so interested in our story. Knowing you are out there praying for us and reading our journey makes this so much easier. Knowing we are not alone means everything to us. To all of us.


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    You can do this Val. So can Wayne. And more importantly you are most definitely not alone. Your babies are so blessed to have such great parents who are "present" in thier lives and that your focus never becomes to big that you forget what is really important. Just take one day at a time.
    Always praying!

  2. so glad to hear that things went well. i wish i could be there and give you a hug as you cried.

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    WOW ! what great news. All the prayers are answered and you certainly had lots of them. We all send our love and hugs. Wish we were closer - I would love to help you with the kids. Maybe this summer.....love you Val. Tom and Pam
    P.S. - now that Wayne is another gender, I hope you don't have to share your clothes...shoes...or earrings ! ha

  4. Kellie9:25 AM

    Val, You have every right to cry. EVERY right. I hope he is feeling better today. I am so glad Wayne has kept his humor through this...That in itself is healing!! Love you lots!

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Hi Val & Wayne
    Our thoughts & prayers go out to you all from Perth Western Australia. You sure are on an amazing journey and we wish you well. Keep up
    your strengths and be kind to yourselves.
    Love and prayers from Garry & Sue Mason xoxo

  6. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Val and Wayne - we laugh and we cry with you, but we BELIEVE with you MOST because God is with us in our every prayer for Wayne's recovery. My virtual hugs to you both. Keep the faith, and God promises to be with us on the journey.

    Kristin Rozier

  7. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Val and Wayne, I don't know if you remember me, I am Janene's mom. I have been following your blog since the beginning. I don't have a computer at home, so sometimes I have to come to the office on the weekends so I can see how Wayne is. Your children are precious! Claire is definately a "little Val". Anyway, I wanted you to know that I have been and will continue to pray for you all, but especially for Wayne. And I pray KNOWING that God answers prayers!

    Sally Musgrave

  8. Hi Val,
    It's Wendy from class... spring break for Olivia so life has been a little busy around here but definitely not as busy or crazy as yours. So happy to hear the surgery went well. Your kids are so cute and precious and they definitely are worth fighting for and having hope in. You and Wayne stay strong and know that God is with you every step guiding and supporting you. Crying is good... just know you have a friend crying with you in NYC. Remember... God is GOOD, ALL the time.

  9. There is no better reason to fight then those wonderful kids, and his awesome wife. I wish I could be there with you to hug you tight. Remember you are strong and so is Wayne. Stay Strong.

  10. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I read your posts and I think to myself, "Could I do this? Could I face this and handle things as well as you do?" My answer: if I ever have to, you and Wayne will be the first people I will come to. You are SO inspiring and SO full of faith and confidence. Of COURSE Wayne is going to beat this thing - we aren't going to allow anything different. We are here to support you, Val, encourage you, lift you up. You hold Wayne up, girlfriend, we've got your back.

    Love and prayers,
    Laura & Austin

  11. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Val & Wayne, don't know you but work in the courthouse with Wayne's mom. We are so heartened to learn the surgery went well (and you're already married, so no worries about having to go to Iowa or Vermont :>)
    D. had open heart surgery last year and I had a double mastectomy some years ago--chest scars make you stronger and remind you every morning that you need to go out and find something glorious in each day.
    We are praying for you and holding you in our hearts--and D. has an ICD, so his is on the bionic level, giving Wayne an extra boost.
    Your children are lovely and your spirit is extraordinary. Best to you all.

    Most sincerely,
    Amy & Daniel in Rapid

  12. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Val and Wayne, you don't know me, but the Lord knows you. He put you on my heart this morning and my prayers are with you and so is the Lord. Have strength in knowing that He is hearing your prayers, and calling even those that dont know you to pray! Keep your eyes on Him, and He will direct your steps. Be Blessed! In Christ!


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