
Outside Looking In

Wayne is sleeping ... after going for 2 rounds around the floor (walking as much as possible), he is wiped out. He has had a rough day - really feeling the effects of chemo - and is trying to sleep as much as he can (thank you, Kellie, for that advice).

We are hoping he still gets to come home tomorrow, although, after just talking to his nurse - who hadn't heard that, we aren't sure.

The quiet of the itty bitty closet (his room) is punched with HGTV in the background, the drip, drip, drip of the chemo, and the sound of his bed moving every 30 seconds (which he has gotten used to). He opens his eyes every once in awhile to ask what I am doing, and how I am doing. The question chokes me up because, really, what I am supposed to say? He wants to know that I am okay, but that will only be the case if he is.

Some friends gave him the book, "The Shack." He doesn't have the stamina to even read a magazine, so I have borrowed his book and have started to read (for the first time since having kids, I think!). I haven't gotten that far into it, but so far it is good - it's about the spiritual journey of a man who has gone through (too) much in his life.

Caeden is hanging in there. He was SO excited that his aunt and uncle are here (my brother and his wife). He had school today and was excited to go see the Leprechans. I didn't know about any of that - I didn't even lay out anything green for him to wear - but thankfully I have Melissa to keep me in the loop with his schooling.

I just looked over at Wayne again as he shifts to get comfortable in his bed. He's got a pillow from home and some new pajama pants on. While I have always been protective of him, seeing him in bed brings out the Mama Lion. "Do you need new socks? More water?" My caregiving abilities are hindered to just a few tasks I can do for him, but the love behind them is greater than ever. I have never put on a pair of socks so gingerly or have been so obsessed with making sure he has enough ice water.

It doesn't look like the Doc will be in today, but hopefully we'll have some more news after Tumor Board tomorrow. Wayne has his last dose of chemo tomorrow around 11 am (runs 2 hours) - and then, finally a break.

Thank you all for your support. The kindess coming from everyone has been so appreciated!

Full of Hope,



  1. Loves to you all! You have been constantly in our thoughts and prayers!

    Jeff and Delise

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    still praying...

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Hang in there, Val. I am thinking of you.


  4. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Thinking of you and your strength and praying healing every moment of everyday. I cannot imagine how hard this is for you. I am praying..always.

  5. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Val, hang in there. Better roads ahead. I love when that mama lion comes out for our families. That's one of the joys of being female is we know how to protect and love our own. It comes natural. Praying for you that you hang on to that hope to get through this.

  6. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Hi guys. We just wanted to tell you both (and the babies too) that we love you! We are praying for you all! Hang in there! We know you can kick this! Love you! Rick, Cassie and kids.

  7. Hi, I am thinking about you all. I wish there was something I could do, but just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers, still. Val, I know how much you adore Wayne. I can't imagine how difficult this is for you. Stay strong, you will get through this! I am sending happy, positive, loving thoughts your way.

  8. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Hi wayne my name is michael I just wanted to let you know that im thinking about you and my class and I are praying for you.I hope you feel better.
    your friend michael

  9. Anonymous2:07 PM

    hey how are you doing and i hope you get better soon from robert oh and happy St.Patick's Day bye.

  10. Anonymous2:10 PM

    hey wayne! how are you doing? i hope you get better soon, and Happy St. Patricks Day! Hope you like the card i sent you... well, talk to you later =]frm: shauni

  11. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hello, my name is Kristian. I hope you are okay! All of us in the class are very concerned on how you are doing so i hope all is well!! :0 And we give you all the love we can so do well !! we'll chat with you later!

  12. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Hey Wayne this is daniel im in Mrs.burns class. You know a good lady.Its ok my grand father had cancer also.And remember we are always thinking of you, and God knows what he wants for you and he is watching you. love daniel

  13. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Hi this is Nicole just hope your day is filled with joy.Today is st patrick's day I hope that you are or were waring green.Have a good day!

  14. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I hope you feel much better. I wish you didn't have to stay in a bed all day! I also think your kids miss you. I bet you spend as much time with them as you can. Well I hope you do a lot better.

  15. "...the love behind them is greater than ever."

    Well said. We love you guys!


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