
Day 4

Chemo comes in cycles. Wayne's cycles last 3 weeks.

The first 4 days are chemo. I am not going to even talk about the side effects that he is enduring - what I will tell you is that HE IS ENDURING THEM. His spirit is high, his attitude wonderful. He jokes with the (cute) nurses, and listens very carefully to the Docs.

The rest of this week will be spent at home. Soaking in the tub, taking long showers, letting us love on him, and relaxing.

Next week his blood count will be at its lowest - he will be tired for sure.

Week 3 is the final week of cycle 1. He will start feeling really good...and then it will be time for surgery.

Dr. Parker is Wayne's cardio-thoracic surgeon. He is confident that he can take out the tumor that is snaking its way into Wayne's aorta. It's open heart surgery - with about 5 days of recovery time, but the risk sounds minimal. How amazing that we're already looking past it and onto the next step. Funny how we are able to roll with all the major news - open heart surgery? Bring it on.

After Wayne recovers from surgery, it will be time for cycles 2 and 3 of chemo. When that is all done, Wayne will be scanned again; his Doctors are looking for recession of the tumors. We won't know if they have responded to the chemo until then. The waiting is hellacious.

So, tomorrow.

I get to bring him home. The anticipation and joy I feel so acutely will keep me up all night, I am sure. I think Claire would like the company. :)

Soooo looking forward to the sun coming up...


  1. Hang in there girlie! I am so glad he's going home tomorrow!!! Big step!!! Keep your spirits up. Thinking of everyone...
    Love you, Amber Renee'

  2. What a beautiful wife you are. Enjoy your time loving up on your husband.

  3. Praying for some wonderful days at home together with lots of laughter, hugs, and smiles. Love you!!

  4. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I am glad that the doctor is confident...I have found that they don't say that unless they are! My mom loved popsickles when she didn't feel like eating. Also, to get calories in him get some ensure. You can freeze them and turn them into shakes. Chemo is mean and nasty, but that means that it is doing its job! I am looking forward to him getting to be home, and although I will be in AZ, my heart will be with you every step. Val, you do not know how beautiful you are.

  5. That's really great news that he will be home tomorrow! You guys are so strong. My dad went through chemo last year. It is not an easy thing to go through, or watch someone you love go through. My dad lived off Carnation instant breakfast during his treatments last year! He is doing so well now and putting the weight back on that he lost. And of course, nausea isn't the only symptom of chemo, but it all gets better when it ends.

    Keep up the great work. You guys are awesome.I have very high hopes! Much love, Teresa

  6. You both are so very lucky to have found one another. Keep pouring your love into Wayne. And thank you for sharing so much of your lives with us.

  7. Anonymous10:50 PM

    I'm so glad Wayne gets to come home! Thank you for all of the updates, we check for them all the time. We are with you through this journey, lots of love to you both (and to the little ones of course :))

  8. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Well my Dear, you make me cry and laugh at the same time. ("Open heart surgery, bring it on!') Your strength amazes me. It's good to see that you haven't lost your sense of humor in all of this. That is so great to see. Hopefully you are resting when you can, you need to take care of yourself as well. It is okay to take a break when you need to, it will help both you and Wayne and refresh you for the kids. Just a friendly reminder.
    Still praying daily (what seems like constantly) for you, Wayne and your family. Stay positive!
    Big Hugs,

  9. Yay he gets to come home! Sending you our love and all the healing thoughts and prayers that come along with it! xo, Delise and Jeff

  10. Anonymous4:13 PM

    That is amazing news! I'm so glad he will be able to recuperate at home. Your positive attitudes and strength have been so uplifting. I think about you all first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Greg and I are praying very hard for you. Continue to live in the moment and enjoy having him home.
    Heather LaBrune

  11. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Wayne, Val, Caeden & Claire -
    Just want you to know we think of you every minute of every day! Can't believe all of this has happened since we saw you the end of February ): Whatever you need, we are here for you. God is good! Prayer is powerful! We love you! The Shepherds, Lee & Ann

  12. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Just want to let you now we are thinking and praying for you MANY times a day, Wayne! My mom, Phyllis Walburg, is your mom's cousin - so I guess that makes us cousins, too. :-) We have you on our prayer list at church and my pastor prayed for you twice this past Sunday! And I update my facebook page so my firiends there can continue praying, too! Take care! Sounds like you are in GREAT hands. Lynn (Walburg) Jorgensen - Sioux Falls, SD


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