
Update on Wayne

Wayne is home! Feeling worse than before he went in, but surgery has a way of doing that to a person...

His Radiologist was able to remove most of the clot using a very cool procedure. Basically, he isolated the chemical that dissolves the clot by ballooning both ends - and then sectioning off his clot in three parts to suction it out.

He ran into some resistance the closer he got to Wayne's pelvic region. It appears Wayne's tumor is pressing on the vein, causing it to close (and then clot). So, he inserted a stint to help the veins' wall stay open. Blood flow opened up immediately.

We will know by tomorrow night how much this is going to help Wayne. He is not walking much (but tries) and is in some pain.

We are glad he is home and is able to rest here instead of in ICU. Huge difference.

I mean, the hospital doesn't have Bunny. SHE has magical healing powers ...


  1. So glad he is home!!

  2. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Love the update. The photos. The promise. The beautiful little girl. Thinking of you today. And everyday.

  3. SUCH good news!!! And, Claire looks like a little grown-up in the first picture...LOVE IT!

  4. Anonymous12:15 AM

    May Wayne have a speedy recovery. Thanks for the updates Val. :) ~ 500 cent ;)

  5. Thinking and praying, praying, praying for you and your family. Home is the best!


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