
And Then She Was { Two }.

This morning I woke up listening to Claire on the monitor.

"Woof! Woof!"
"Me hungry!"
"Hey! Hey!"
"Hi puppy! Woof!"
"Mommy? Where are yoooou?"

I just listened to her talk for a couple of minutes, thinking about her. And how she is now two.

I went and picked her up out of her crib, 
and was greeted with a hug and "Hi Mommy!"

She wanted to get dressed and go outside.
Except she didn't want help getting dressed. 
And she can open the door (what?!) just fine by herself, thank you.

And we went for a walk.
Her half naked.
Me in pajamas (not kidding).
Because it is warm outside and I tend to be very casual. 
And because she wanted to.

Two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

From a 5 pound baby bird to a chunky monkey.

From nursing what felt like 24 hours a day to eating a pink frosted cookie for breakfast.

From being outnumbered with 2 guys in the house to having a girl to even the playing field.


Two years of sweet baby Claire.

So today she will unwrap her presents, eat cupcakes, and drag balloons around the house.

She will be adored, celebrated, and cherished. No different than any other day except for all the sugar and balloons...

Love to my sweet girl.

{She's Two}.


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Claire!!!! So adorable....

    The time will fly by. Enjoy these days....If only we could hold on to these years for a little while longer! My baby finished the second grade yesterday and was so excited to now be a third grader!!! A THIRD GRADER!!!

    Enjoy they day & each other...

    Love You!

  2. She is sooo gorgeous. Happy Birthday Sweet Claire!

  3. Happy Birthday Claire. Met you once and I fell in love with you already. Looking forward to our next meeting! And Caeden is a STUD!

  4. Happy Birthday to Claire! I have loved watching her grow through your photos and blog!


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