
1. Favorite Color: Pink
2. Favorite Activity: To be read to. Followed by going for walks.
3. Can count to 10 with very little help.
4. Knows her colors.
5. Starting to write her name (how this is possible is beyond me - but we just practice!)
6. Loves to dress herself, play in my makeup, and will do anything for more shoes.
7. Favorite food: Guacamole & Chips
8. Number of cupcakes ate yesterday: 3
9. Clapped when we were done singing Happy Birthday to her
10. Served her candled cupcake on a special birthday plate that I use for both kids for every birthday.
11. Will be wearing the adorable dress Linz and J got her. So, so cute.
12. Princess and the Pea dolly, mattresses, and white wooden bed. 
13. Still loves to sing "You are my Sunshine."
14. Is much more opinionated than her brother. And has a much bigger temper.
15. Still only has 6 teeth.
16. Never want to forget she only turns {two} once.


  1. congrats on raising a beautiful, smart, strong, little girl! :) Happy Birthday Claire!

  2. Tricia7:35 AM

    So darn cute! Just like her Mama!!!

  3. Such a great capture especially the first one. Just want to squeeezzeee those cheeks! You can tell by her eyes that she's so excited and full of anticipation. Hope the family had a wonderful celebration. :)

  4. Hope she had a super special day!


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