
Into the weekend

How could I not love to cook in such a cheerful space?

Wayne is feeling fantastic. Eating, joking, taking Caeden to school, being wonderful. Really wonderful. He even got our taxes done today! I remember when he had his open heart surgery, right around the tax deadline, and I was just paralyzed on what to do. File an extension -- who knew??? I plan on delaying everything I find unpleasant or daunting. It works really well!

Chemo starts on Monday and extends to Friday. We are hoping neurotoxicity is kept at bay. Please keep Wayne in your thoughts this week. I think I have said this before, but while NO chemo cocktail is pleasant or easy, Wayne's is especially harsh. We are hoping for him to be able to get through all 5 days (which is round 6).

Caeden's first week of school is complete. He loves it. He is not napping on school days. This I do not love.

Claire is having fun scaling the stairs. Still no teeth.

I have 2 shoots this weekend and a house that still needs some serious attention.

And yes, the picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post. Just a little eye candy (well, my kind of eye candy, anyway).

1 comment:

  1. That's my kind of eye candy as well. Wayne and you all will be in our prayers next week! Yay for the shoots!!


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