
Love the One You're With ... and the One still in Houston

These two kept each other entertained on our 8+ hour drive home (road construction) today. Caeden makes a lot of ridiculous sounds that get Claire belly laughing - and before I know it, I'm laughing, too.

Our little clan of 3 arrived home to find:

1. Our front lawn looks horrible - HUGE, giant, brown patches of grass ... completely dead. The backyard looks great. Too bad the Realtor won't use a back shot for our for sale flyer.

2. The house smells good. We haven't been home in 2 weeks, but that unique smell hit me when I walked in. It smells like A/C, Downy Fabric Softener, and Summer all rolled into one.

3. A garage full of boxes that my friend Michelle so graciously coordinated for me. Thank You!

4. Leaving is going to be harder than I thought. We drove by the swimming pool and I saw lots of kids splashing with abandon in the pool. I was really looking forward to spending lots of hot, lazy days at the pool with the kids...so Caeden could practice swimming and Claire could look adorable with her belly sticking out over her red polka dot bikini.

5. All my lilies are blooming. Bright yellow and glorious pink petals greeted us from the front porch.

Wayne is doing great. He is still eating and not feeling "off." Dave is taking wonderful care of him, and I hope he knows that me and Donna (his Mom) are loving him tonight. The kind of loving that only a Mom and a Wife know how to do long distance. It's the kind of love where you think of them constantly, wondering if he's cold. Wondering if he is tired. Wondering if something is wrong but if he's too afraid to complain. Wondering if he has a warm blanket. If he'll sleep good tonight.

Donna will probably pick up a lone sock of his, and place it in his room. I'll stare at his side of the bed until my eyelids become too heavy and finally close.

Loving you from afar tonight, baby.


  1. Tearing up over here!! You know how to make a girl emotional! Can't WAIT to see you guys tomorrow I've missed you guys so much!!

    Wayne, I hope you are still feeling well tonight! You've been in my prayers everyday.

  2. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Val, grab his pillow and hold on tight...like he is right there with you. Don't worry about the lawn. Throw some water on it for a few days and it will come back. If you can't or don't have time to, ask a neighbor....they should be happy to do that for you. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP. Although I know that you ARE superwoman, you CAN ask for help and people WANT to help you. Sometimes people don't offer for fear of overstepping their boundaries. Do you need help packing? How about with the kids? Go pick some of those flowers so that you can enjoy them INSIDE as well. Your worry about Wayne is beautiful and I am sure that just your thoughts help make him feel better. Even if you are not there to hold his hand, you are still holding his heart and that is the biggest gift you can give him. Hang in there sweetie! I love you, girl!


  3. Anonymous10:50 PM

    PS....Years ago I was watching Oprah and she was interviewing a woman who's 8 year old son had been tragically killed just 2 weeks earlier. Oprah asked her how she was "making it", and the words that this mother said is something that has remained with me since the day I watched her. She said, "I just have to find a new normal." I never forgot that phrase and it seems that everything that I encounter in my life that might force unexpected change reminds me that I need to find a "new normal". Moving, Wayne's illness, no nearby pool, life is so unexpectedly changing for you. BUT Val, you (meaning your entire family) will make it through this and will find a "new normal" that may seem so far out of reach right now. Cry when you need to cry, make yourself laugh (some of the best medicine!!), take a deep breath, brush yourself off, and find that new normal. There will be beautiful things that you fall in love with in your new home where ever you end up. The thing that makes it home is the heart and soul...not foundation and wood. It is you, my dear...it is you.



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