

I've seen this collage effect on other blogs and figured out how to do it. It's a free software program called Picasa (from Google). Download it here: Picasa. They have PC and Mac versions.
The program is designed to store and edit your photos, but I like it just for this application.

The other thing I've been trying to do is make my pictures larger. I found a tutorial here: BIG. Doesn't look difficult, however I don't feel like focusing. Got some last minute packing to do before Michelle gets here in the morning to help me stage and clean.

Off to pack up my bathroom - if you were here, you would hear me talking out loud...

"Do I pack the 5 bottles of perfume I haven't worn in years?"
"Does conditioner have a shelf life?"
"If I use cotton balls as packing material, can I reuse them later?"

Best if I packed alone, huh?


  1. i think the rule is "when in doubt - chuck it!"

  2. This coming from a guy who has moved unnumbered boxes of "work related material" across the country several times...but I'm glad to see you back to sharing photography tips. I just completed my first Jessica Sprague digital scrapbook page tonight and posted on my blog for you to see :) Such a happy thing. Hugs to you in your packing, I really would chuck it all..especially after going through boxes in my basement tonight and wondering why in the world I brought it all with me!?!? xoxo

  3. Kellie3:39 PM

    You are so stinkin' creative, I swear!


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