
Morning ... without anyone around

What do we do when we have nowhere to go on a Monday morning? No one coming over? We play. We do not clean the house. We make bigger messes. The playroom is calling ...

We stare at baby Claire and wonder when she is going to get her first tooth .... (Notice her Microsoft onsie. We love Microsoft. A lot.)

We make our own cement trucks, even though there is a small fortune of high-tech cement trucks waiting on the sidelines...

Just when you thought it was all play and no work ... I introduce to you "take your son to the office down the hall day."

Caeden is usually in some state of undress. This picture just happens to be right after he got out of the bath tub, so at least he is clean. I have my standards, you know.


  1. LOVE, LOVE the pictures!! Enjoy your quiet!

  2. These are fantastic photos. So cute...and peaceful!

    I must say, we are just now beginning to keep our clothes on for an entire day (Nelson more so than Henry due to a closing trunk and a naked boy part, ouch!). I swear for awhile I literally could not keep them dressed.

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Oh sweet girl.....we await your posts and beautiful photos. Your in our prayers. Praying for the surgeons hands, decisions and Wayne's healing. Rhonda and Valentin


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