

As I type this, Wayne is having a biopsy done on the tumor going in his hip. Radiology was not able to get a good sample from his lungs, so they are sampling the other location now.
This means once we have the new biopsy results, they'll be able to give us a diagnosis. We know it is sarcoma, but not which type. The type of treatment will most likely be high doses of chemo, but until we know which type we are dealing with, they can't start treatment.

One of the largest hurdles is one of the tumors in his heart has grown a "finger" that has entered his pulmonary vein and aorta. The scare is that it may possibly break off and land some where else in the body. This is where the concern is greatest, so if you are praying, please pray for the tumor to respond to the chemo and retract.

Once his cardio problem is under control (or at least stable), they will deal with hip and pulmonary areas (although the chemo will attach all areas anyway).

So, for now, we are waiting on the biopsy. Then the diagnosis will determine treatment. From there we will start treatment and are also looking at second opinions from another Oncologist at Presbyterian St. Lukes hospital.

For now, it is one thing at a time. One moment at a time.

Caeden knows that Daddy is sick. He asks for him all day and first thing in the morning - always asking, "are the germs in daddy's lungs gone yet?" We are trying to be as honest as possible - he knows Wayne is in the hospital - and are trying hard to keep Caeden's routine as normal as possible.

Wayne has been getting your emails and please know each and every word of support means the world to him. He is going to start blogging here, too, so that he can be in touch with everyone.

Thank you for your prayers and kindness. We feel surrounded by love and support. Thank you! We feel you. We feel God.



  1. Thanks for the update. We're with you every step. Stay strong.

  2. The best part of your post was the last..."We feel God". That's one of the biggest things I've been praying for, along of course with Wayne's complete and total recovery!
    We love you...keep up the updates. It's a helpless feeling I have here in Kansas...wish I could be there to give you a hug! :)

  3. Anonymous5:15 PM

    wayne and val and family

    I am at Tobi's this week - we just heard about Wayne and want you to know you are in our prayers and thoughts. Stay strong and please, if we can do ANYTHING, please let us know. Wish we were closer to Denver - but know you are in our hearts. We love you and we are hugging you all. Pam and Tobi

  4. Thanks for the update Val. Wayne (and you three trying to keep normal routines at home) have been on my mind. I'm wishing I could be there...to do what I don't know...but just to be there. Know that we love you all!

  5. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Wayne and Val - we are all praying for you and your family. God will send you strength to get through this. You are in our hearts! Hugs, Kristin


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