
Things I Learned This Weekend:

How to download cool (& free) photoshop actions to make pictures look awesome. Doesn't this picture of Claire look vintage? Exactly! That is the name of the action, Vintage. Now if only everything in my life was this straight forward.

Secondly, Caeden. He no longer knows how to smile. Instead, some sort of cheese-grinning monster lives in the crook of his mouth and rears it's ugly head whenever the camera appears.

Next: Claire is infatuated with balloons, just like her older brother. She especially loves the danger of the string, which has threatened to cut off the circulation in her hand a time or two.

The forth thing I learned this weekend is, apparently it is possible to become whatever it is you are wearing on your body. Have you ever seen a child look MORE like an owl? I rest my case.

5. Homemade chocolate chip cookies taste much better when you bake with the itty, bitty, mini chocolate chips instead of the normal ones. More chocolate per bite. Trust me on this.

6. Sleep can happen anywhere. Even on Claire's bedroom floor, using a towl (left over from bath time) as a blanket. No pillow. It doesn't take much to be comfortable when you are too exhausted to climb down the stairs for the 8th time that night. Screw it. I am taking up residence in her room. It's much cuter than mine, anyway.

7. The superbowl commericals did not disappoint! I loved the Pepsi ones, but missed the Audi one, and all the Dorito ones. Must see them after I am done blogging. The biggest hit for me? Learning about Hulu. That clever Alec Baldwin sucked me right in with his alien schick and now I am totally loving Hulu. Free t.v. anytime! I no longer have to compete with Wayne while he vies for Family Guy.

8. I am, indeed, a bargin shopper. Normally when I walk into a store, I go immediately to the full-priced clothing, finding tons. Next, head to the sale rack where I find absolutely nothing. Not so! Yesterday I got the kids much needed P.J's at babyGap. Normally 22.oo each...I got 4 pairs PLUS a new pair of sunglasses for Caeden for 34.00. That includes tax.

Yes, I know! It
totally makes up for the {undisclosed amount} that I spent the very next minute at a baby boutique buying some new spring time Baby Lulu clothes for Claire.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Oh my goodness that owl face of Claire's is adorable!

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Love the pics and all the 'things you learned' over the weekend. Great deals at Gap! I am jealous you have a nice mall to go to :) And do you not like Family Guy??? Dont mention that to Rick-ever.
    Looking forward to your visit!

  3. Cute post. Henry does the same thing that Caeden does. It is not as easy to get a cute little simple smile like it used to be. Sometimes what works for me is to say laugh rather than smile.

    I love the vintage look. Very cool.

  4. Very cute post! Have you checked out the photoshop actions on Pioneer Woman's blog? Vinetage sounds like something she'd come up with :) Darling cute pics. I want to take the photoshop plunge so badly...and your classes look like so much fun!!! You are inspiring!

  5. Delise -- the actions are Pioneer Woman! She rocks everything ... PS, cooking, etc. I want to be her when I grow up.


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