
Play Time

Me: Caeden, can I play with you?

C: Sure Mommy!

(As I begin to play)...

C: No Mommy, don't touch that!

C: Excuse me, get off my rug. I need more room. MOVE.

C: No - don't move my trains.

C: See this? You can't touch that, either.

He was very gracious to smile for the camera in between his "directing."

Playing with Claire involves smiling and bubble blowing. Now that, I can do. :)


  1. Oh, hey... I think it's going to work... My name is in the "comment as" box. Now, I've forgotten what yesterday's comment was... Something about loving being in touch again, via facebook, but still wishing we could sit for a latte (per the previous post)... Something like that...


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