
Caeden's Halloween Party

There were itty bitty pumpkins to be found ...

Games to be played ...

Hula Hoops to do crazy things to ...that had nothing to do with your hips.

Cookies to eat (and decorate).
Punch to drink.

Totally blurred ... but when asked to smile,
our child (on the end) yells, "Raaaaaaaa!"

Class of princesses, a lawn mower man, monsters, an astronaunt, and one little honey who wanted nothing to do with dressing up.
Ms. Julianna as the Bee and Ms. Loretta as the Butterfly

Caeden staring as the Lawn Mower Guy. ;)

Caeden's party was so much fun. It was awesome to see him in action, with his teachers and classmates. 99% of my pictures were blurry and I am so sad I couldn't share the school parade. Caeden was prancing like, "Oooh yeah, people. That's right, the Lawn Mower man has arrived!"

1 comment:

  1. you pulled off lawn mower man fabulously! i love it!


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