
To Sing.

I was hired to shoot this beautiful family because they are going to be gracing the cover of a business magazine. 

I did what I needed to do - getting shots that the editor wanted (certain vertical shots, plenty of white space, etc.) 

and then I did what I wanted to do ...

Like loving on this little guy. Playing games, getting him to trust me and come closer ... and give me drool-worthy expressions that capture everything about being two.  

Like teething.

And learning all about what it means to have a collection. A passion. A love of legos. This particular figure is his favorite. He tucked it into his pocket before we left the house because I told him I wanted to hear all about it. And he told me. 

And I adore him for it.

And while these shots make my heart sing, I know they are not going to make the magazine cover (not vertical, for starters). I don't care. 

(The ones that will are saved for the editor.)

Sometimes you have to create happiness in situations that could go either way. 

I choose to sing.


I think they do, too.


  1. Think I forgot to congratulate you on your cover shoot. You must send links when it comes out...Can't wait to see it!
    Hope your little guy is enjoying kinder as much as my 2 are... Sending love.

  2. They are beautiful pictures and deserve to be on any magazine cover. GP.

  3. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Amazing as always...when you get a second call me so we can chat about this blogging business. I want to start a "good" blog for my kiddos! This week! Kacie

  4. I'm stealing your quote for the Widow Chick page. "Sometimes you have to create happiness...." Brilliant. I can't believe how talented you are in so many ways. I'm so lucky to know you.

  5. WOW - These are gorgeous pictures of gorgeous children. I cannot wait to see the magazine! Thanks for sharing.


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