

I waited a really long time to be a Mom.

I traveled everywhere, got an amazing education, spent my time how I pleased.

I look back on my time before my children, and I think, perhaps I just wasn't ready. It took me longer.

And while I loved my life before them, knowing what I know now, it makes me sad.

Because life with them is the way I have truly learned what love is.

The kind of love that makes me happiest, craziest, the most content; it's all encompassing and real.

Becoming a Mother is the best thing I have ever done.

And I wish I wouldn't have waited so long to find all of that out.

But, I believe things are meant to be, and I do believe...

They were worth the wait.

The pictures I will be sharing over the next couple of days were rocked by my sister. We went to Sloan's Lake yesterday (5280 Magazine said it was up and coming ... sort of still waiting for that part). We dodged baseballs, goose droppings (an unnatural amount, really), and the guys (Jordan & Wayne) to get these shots.

They make me crazy happy!

But then again, it's my kids we're talking about.


  1. What a beautiful tribute. I believe it would be safe to assume you had an amazing day...you deserve it because you are an amazing woman!
    Love you.

  2. Tricia8:01 AM

    You are an AMAZING Mom!!! Being a Mom is the greatest gift of all.

    Love You, T

  3. Love them so much!!! You definitely need to make it a priority to take at least one family portrait of yourself per month. I'd be more than happy to press the shutter for you anytime too. Thanks for sharing and again, you rock with your posts!

  4. Darling photos and tribute...

  5. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Great photos of you and Claire, did I miss the ones with Caeden? You look amazing.Love B


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