
Sort of Whining. Only read if you are REALLY bored.

 (picture has nothing to do with anything {via Martha})

Am I the only one who occasionally freaks out about aging? 

Today I am at "Pump It Up" - for those who do not have children, it isn't as naughty as it sounds. It's just a huge room filled with kids bouncing on slides, in big boxed "rooms," and everywhere else.

The kids love it.

And what do the parents do while the kids are running around? Make small talk. Coo over new babies, and more than once I overheard, "So, what did you do before kids?" - It was implied that once you have children you are no longer working (well, I guess a safe assumption considering it was 11 am). But still.

The thing that I noticed was that I seemed to be at the older end of the spectrum. Or maybe I just looked it? Either way, I saw many super cute, young, designer jean wearing Moms there.

I wore a KU baseball cap, jeans from 7 years ago, and tennis shoes. I am no John Kumpart.

The thing is, I went to this place thinking I was a good Mom for getting the kids out of the house and doing something fun. I left still feeling that way, but also feeling like the unpretty Mom.
I am not saying I need to compete with them, only that I should try a bit harder to be a better me.

Do you ever feel like you need a make over??
I need these things: get back to the gym DAILY (my sister in law just ran a marathon and I haven't raised my heart rate since chasing my son and PRETENDING to let him win),  new skincare to take care of my face - needing to evolve from a hodge podge of things and get consistent with slathering serum on my face before bed (I would be a very happy lady if I could have skin that looked like my Mother in Law), and drink lots and lots of water (currently chuging a diet pepsi). Oh, and eat organic.

Maybe I just need a nap?

You know what else? I think it is more stressful THINKING about what you want to change than actually DOING it.

So, I've got the Door to Door Organics folks delivering food (starting when we get back from Rapid City), taking kids to the gym after they wake up (and bringing along my Sigg full of water), and I am trying out some new skincare from Rodan + Fields (my rep is Kacie). 

It promises to reverse all those times I baked in the sun without sunscreen ...


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    You have to let me know if the skin care line really works. I was just noticing the other day some fine line around my eyes! I nearly FREAKED OUT! When did I get old? I have been feeling the need for change as well. I think it is just spring in the air. I am sure I will feel better when I get out to shop for some spring things. Just being able to (finally) get outside is HUGE! Can't wait to see you guys next weekend! Cassie

  2. Tricia3:03 PM

    I think we're all in that winter slump and need Spring to officially be here! By the way, look in the mirror girl, you are that young, hip, GORGEOUS Mom!!!!

    Can't wait to see you next week! We need some quality girl time!!!

    Love You!


  3. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I can sympathize, but really you are way to hard on yourself. Think of it this way: in 10 years we will look back and say "why were we so hard on ourselves then? We were way hotter than some 20 something and we weren't old." Then, ten years after that we will do the same thing about or mid forties. You are gorgeous. And the truth is, so am I and so are the rest of the women our age. We have got to find a way to look at the wrinkles and the grays as a very beautiful part of what makes us interesting. Now if I could just buy my own advice.... ;-)

  4. I think a Navy blazer could work wonders.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I get all my advice from you! Hello? Who was just wearing those totally adorable new black and silver flats!?

    I can only hope to age as gorgeous as you! Love you!

    *Removed first comment to edit for typos. :)

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    If I must say...the products DO work wonders! I was told I look 18 and I am actually 34!
    The Organic fruits and Veggies look wonderful! And the gym, well it is just overrated, that is all there is to it.


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