
claire bear @ 21 months

She has a blanket she calls "tiny." It's satiny and pink and is always with her.

She licks it when she gets tired. She's done this since she was a newborn (but she licked me and Wayne back then).


She's a lover of books and reads (or is read to) all day long.

She's really into animal sounds so this book is a favorite right now. She wanders the house saying, "Meow" and "Baaaa" and "woof woof."



She's always busy trying to keep with her brother. 
I believe her hair is turning red.
She has a problem with not getting her way.
She loves to be held.
She loves Caeden and will sit in "time out" with him -- even when he is there for something like pusing, hitting, or being mean to her.
She hits him back.
Some days it is like a war zone and I retreat to my happy place in Turks.


She's working on her 5th tooth and bites everything in sight.


I sing the song, "Skiddly Rinky Dink - ee- Dink, Skiddly Rinky Doo"  to Claire before her nap and she sings along with me. And licks her blanket.


Here's Caeden's reaction to the music... Safe to say, not a fan.


  1. Just have to say Ella has the exact same dress and wanted to put it on this morning too. She is already on her third outfit of the day.

  2. So Adorable...I held this little princess in my arms and gave her many kisses. She looked at me like I was crazy and how dare I take her out of her Auntie's arms. She held her sweet little arms out and then came in to mine. She tenderly looked up at me and gave me that precious smile and said "woof woof" and then pointed to Lucy!! Simply Adorable.......

  3. Darling little princess! Don't worry Caeden girls will drive you crazy your entire life...just think of it as good tolerance training!

  4. My sweet baby niece. I miss them. What are you doing tomorrow? Are they feeling better?

  5. Such a cute post. Love it. =)


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