
Good News!!

Wayne just called - the cancer has not spread.

They have identified an area that looks to be trying to break out (grow), so his break will be 2 months (instead of 3) so they can keep an eye on him. But his Doctor said it was nothing to worry about - if it was, he would not be continuing his break. SO...

Two more months of feeling great and no chemo!!

Vacation with good news is the only way to go. We are so thankful and happy - I don't have words.

I asked Wayne how he felt, and he said, "Well, I wish they had said it was all gone!" LOL. We knew that wasn't going to the case, but when he starts to crack jokes, I know he is doing OK.

Just wanted to let you all know.


Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, Which you do not know.

Isaiah: 46 

Always be joyful. Always keep on praying. No matter what happens always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ.
Ephesians: 3:17


  1. I don't even have words for you! That is great news and I'm so happy that you can now have a nice relaxing vacation..... enjoy eachother!! All my love - Janene xoxo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!

    I had to buy internet on the flight - I couldn't wait any longer for the news. So, here I am at 30,000 feet saying a thankful prayer.

    Love you guys SO much!

  4. T&C, here you come! Drinks for everyone!

  5. Fantastic... we are all breathing a sigh of relief with you. Enjoy your vacation!

  6. Wonderful news Val! I'm so happy that you two can enjoy an overdue vacation, just the two of you, without worry. Praise God!

  7. I hope you guys have a great time and enjoy your vacation and your time together. You guys deserve it! So thrilled at the news. Always praying for you guys.

  8. Destine4:14 PM

    THe kids and I are so happy and thankful. We love you guys so much and wish we were closer to celebrate with you.

  9. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I am so happy for your family! and if you read the post I replied to just now on the no news yet(I am so retarded)you will see my first response to the INCREDIBLE NEWS!!!!Love R&B

  10. PRAISE THE LORD!!! So happy for you both---now go enjoy some fun in the sun!! ;)

  11. wonderful news!!!! just wonderful!

  12. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Amen! Praise the Lord! Lets keep praying for all of the cancer to go away completely!

    Enjoy your vacation and live it to the fullest!

    -Mike & Lori

  13. Anonymous8:24 AM

    We are so happy for you guys! Enjoy your vacation! James can not wait to play with Caeden this weekend! :-) Love you guys! Rick & Cassie

  14. Tricia8:55 AM

    Praise God!!! So go and enjoy the beautiful sun, sand, drinks, FUN & EACH OTHER!!!!! So very thankful.......So very happy!!!!!!!

    Love You.....T

    Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  15. Anonymous11:46 AM

    What great news! God does answer prayer! And what a perfect time for your vacation! Have fun and enjoy each other!

    Sally Musgrave

  16. Yahoo! We are thrilled right along with you! Enjoy your vacation and rock those boy short bikinis! xo

  17. Rhonda5:45 AM

    So exciting!!! Praying for continued healing and for each bad cell to disappear :) Have a blast on your vacation. When it rains (very typical in the islands and usually blows over quickly), to head to a lovely "hut" and have something with a little umbrella in it :)


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