
Dum Dums

I thought craft time was going to be so dang fun yesterday. I had Caeden all worked up into a frenzy when I grabbed the suckers ...

Not even hunting for scissors (that were not where they were supposed to be) for 20 minutes took away from the excitement of our craft. I had a big dumb smile on my face as I got the paper and pencils ready for Caeden. At this point, I was pretty sure I was going to win some sort of award for craftiness.

I should have known better. I never win anything, people.

I watched as Caeden silently ran for the junk drawer where he gathered his own supplies. Tape measurer, half of a hammer (???!), some Burts Bees chap stick, and a pink tape dispenser with no tape in it. 

And no eye contact. I think he could sense my deflated enthusiasm as he got to work on his own project...

No matter. Not bothered by my son's utter lack of vision, I got to work, cutting out petals and making little flowers. 

I peek a glace at Caeden to see if he realizes what he is missing out on. Nope, not interested. His eyes are glued to his piece of paper ...

And Claire is freaking out because she wants a sucker, the permanent marker, some sharp scissors ... something!!!

So I figure the choking hazard of a sucker is better than the scissors.

Plus, I just brushed up on the Heimlich maneuver online so she's completely safe.

 More Dum Dum Flowers (which would have been so cute with glitter around the petals!).

We've got an exploding volcano spewing green lava over here. How could I possibly compete with that?

Sensing my defeat, Caeden feels sorry for me and offers to hold a flower. 

Then he says, "Give it to Claire.  She'll like it, Mom." 

The boy is visibly relieved to have a sister to keep his Mom (and her girlie ideas) busy ...


  1. I love how candid this is! I laughed all the way through... btw its very cute project!

  2. Oh, this is too cute. Cute idea, cute presentation, and such sweetness from a dear boy. I love it!

  3. Adorable and hilarious post!!!

  4. Should turn this into a wedding project of some sort. (Forgive my selfish detours of topics)

  5. You are seriously amazing. I wish I thought like you! I have to meet Caeden. I just want to squeeze him- even if he won't let me! And how sweet is he to think of Claire?

  6. Kellie8:52 PM

    You are so stinkin' cute!!!!!!!!!! Perfect, Valerie. Perfect.

  7. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Submit a photo for the Dum Dums contest at www.lifeofdumdums.com for a chance to win $2500 & other neat prizes!


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