
Weekend Update

We had a nice weekend.

We did things like:

Made homemade playdough. It turned out so well I decided to give it to Caeden's classmates in lue of candy for Valentine's Day (in pink).

Wayne said, "Do you really want to be THAT Mom who doesn't give candy?" Ironic a couple of hours later when Caeden was bouncing off the walls and he suggested Caeden needed to go through sugar withdrawl.

Had sweet potato fries at The Counter. Got on the scale and freaked out to learn I am up 2 pounds over my "my diet starts today" weight. Apparently sweet potato fries aren't a health food no matter how I try to spin it.

Got Wayne hooked on Lululemon hoodies. Super thick, comfortable, and have a "scuba hood" for our vacation coming up (he is diving a couple of the days we are there).

Watched our wood floors buckle from our leaking dishwasher (this is not part of the "our weekend was good" statement).


  1. Your post reminded me of a Family Fun idea for Valentine's Day that I did for Alley when she was in preschool. We made red and pink home made play-doh, rolled it very thick and using a cookie cutter, cut it into heart shapes, then bagged it in a cellophane bag with a cute ribbon and a tag that read, "Happy Valentine's Clay" It's still one of my favorites.

    Wayne: candy schmandy :) don't tell Jeff I said that...

  2. I LOVE that idea Delise! Totally using it - thank you!!

  3. Irony...I had a leaky dishwasher that buckled my original, recently refurbished wood floor, too :( Luckily you live a drier climate, so hopefully it won't be as problematic for you...

  4. Luvs it! We make play dough often cuz my kids like to mix their own (only the no heat recipes) and mess with food color to see what colors they can make from the primary... thnks for the idea pretty sure im stealing it!

  5. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Girl, you crack me up!!! Put down concrete floors and you will have no worries!! He, he.



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