
Being Informed

*I know Wayne is on break. And we are not talking about cancer while he is feeling so good, but today I just needed to get this off my chest.

Since Wayne's diagnosis, I have looked at the world with new eyes. More fearful, less trusting, critical eyes.

I think about the radiation emitting from our cell phones. I think about how sarcomas can be caused by too much radiation (sarcomas can be a horrible side effect from radiation therapies designed to treat other types of cancer).

I think about the plastic we store our food in. About how harmful chemicals leach from it and into our food when heated (in dishwashers or microwaves, for example).

I think about all the things we come into contact with. The food we eat. The water we drink.

And I think of how the cancer rate just continues to climb - especially in the young.

I remember shopping for Christmas presents at Anthropolgie and seeing a large bin by the register. It was stuffed full of plush animals waiting to be adopted and sent to the children of Denver who were being treated in the oncology ward. I thought of those kids and the ones we've seen at MDA and the ones I've come across online, and I wonder why? Why Wayne? Why them? Who next??

I'm the type that tries to choose organic when the option is there. I go to Whole Foods when I can. I do not, however, bypass the conventional when it's on the grocery list and it's a lot less expensive. And then I feel guilty.

I wonder if Wayne was exposed to something toxic that caused his cancer and I wonder if I was exposed to it, too. And is it just a matter of time before I get it? What if it's genetic and what are the chances my children will have cancer? These are horrible, horrible things to think about. I obsess about all it, though.

Why this alarmist post today?

A couple of our non-stick pans are starting to show their age, the non-stick coating is coming off. They need to be thrown away. Do you need to do this too? Yes.

I use a lot of plastic to store food because I haven't wanted to spend the money by replacing everything with glass - but I am going to do it anyway. Have you thought about this? You should.

We are getting a land-line for our home phone again. We disconnected it when we moved to Rapid, and never reconnected it to save a few bucks, but our children are not going to be using or talking on cell phones until I figure out their risk. Already many publications I have read talk about the horrible danger associated with radiation exposure and brain development/or cancer.

This year I am following my in-laws lead and planting a garden for our veggies. I would have my own chickens, too, if I could. :)

Wayne has started taking multiple vitamins and drinking a lot of green tea as steps to keep his body fighting his cancer while on break.  I am so proud of him!

I don't know if any of this will help, but thinking for myself instead of letting advertising influence me- and being more proactive in my family's health - is a long time coming.

Glass Containers and  Food Storage found at Container Store.

Organic vegetable seeds for gardening.


  1. In the past few months I have been using only glass and stainless steel...I have only a few pieces of plastic left in my kitchen...because I think about these things too, but you have really prompted me to think about it more. Also, I have the organic dilemma too...I cannot afford the organic label for my "little" family of seven, but I want to make sure we are eating fresh fruit and veggies. However, organic is a tricky topic. To be labelled organic, food is not necessarily pesticide free, as it only needs to be 95% organic. This irritates me significantly because I would like to know about the other 5% and how that compares to the amount of nonorganic. As a daughter of agriculturist, my father has been conscious of this for years and has never been careless in his use of pesticides. I would bet he would qualify, if not exceed the organic standard, but it is very expensive. An interesting article is posted on the Mayo Clinic site http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/organic-food/NU00255 that merits review. Another point of frustration for me is my meat. Anything grown outside of this country does not have the same standards. Obviously, I support American agriculture and only try to buy American for this reason, as well as, the reality that we have the safest food supply in the world. As a consumer I am growing increasingly more irritated, as I feel the organic label is misleading. One final thought...organic manure (is there really any other type??) increases ecoli, so we need to be vigilant in washing our foods. Oh, and sometimes carefully frozen foods retain more nutrients than fresh foods that have been picked early and sailed around the world. I just recently learned this and I am seeking more information, so please share more if you uncover anything about this...

  2. Wow! Great post and Lori is a wealth of information.

    My commitment today... No more putting the boys ikea plastics in the dishwasher, or my Tupperware for that matter. Hand washing has got to help some, right.

    I stopped putting plastic in the microwave long ago.

    Also, painstakingly tossed all 560 Nalgene bottles from the college days. Now only stainless steel and/or BPA free bottles for us.

    I know I have a long way to go, but you are so right... The steps need to be taken. Damn it if I didn't spend a small fortune on that Tupperware set, though.

    I do love a glass container set that I have from Crate and Barrel. Lasts way longer too.

    Again, excellent post!

  3. Great post Val!!!
    I'm currently reading "Shopper's Guide to Healthy Living" by Kathy Loidolt.
    She explains/recommends foods and products to avoid and which to add to your shopping list....and it's done in phases.
    Let me know if you're interested in a copy. I can get it to you at LBP.

  4. Very interesting Val! I have an idea for keeping costs down with the organic food. Ask your grocer if you can purchase by the case for a discounted price. I do this all the time at my store for customers and it is really not a hassle. (The ability for me to do this is actually built right into my software.)

    Since we belong to a buying group, we are required to spend a certain dollar amount each week. If I go under that amount I get a 5% charge! I would much rather reach my goal and sell the product by the case! In some instances, the more the store buys, the higher the discount for them. For me, there are more positive reasons to do it than not.

    Anyway, it's worth checking into!

  5. Im glad im not the only one obsessed with the world i brought children into... i am an avid follower of www.drmercola.com , (my mom turned me on to this site) it addresses current health issues and has great info for anyone that is proactive about natural health. I am also trying to be more aware of the physical consequences of psychological manifestations and the power of words. I have done tons of reading, meditating, journeying, and scripting but my home base is the book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die... by Karol K. Truman (an energy doc turned me on to it, its not over the top like some and is God based which is important to me.) What are your thoughts on this?

  6. Carisa Knox9:47 AM

    You have me thinking everytime I pull out my little frying pan that has the nonstick coating coming off. And the plastic containers that my husband refuses to get rid of. And what will I use for Reagan when she is done using her bottles? I would love to make the switch on all these things, if only finances would allow it...
    At some point I am just going to have to suck it up and buy new pots and pans as well as glass containers. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Such fantastic points, all of you! Thank you Val for sharing. My 14yr old just reminded my 8 yr old to not put the plastic bowl in the microwave. It's hitting home with our children. They are MUCH more aware than we were as children. Who didn't heat something up in a plastic bowl as we were growning up? I did for sure. I won't feel guilty this week when I go buy those new dishes I have wanted and throw out the plastic "convenient" ones. It's not worth the convenience when it's the price of our lives. ;o) Have a great day!!

  8. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I was thinking of my coffee pot after reading your post. I love me some coffee and I noticed it is all plastic except the pot. But it warms up through the plastic parts to before entering the pot to my cup. I wonder if there is all glass coffee pots out there???


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