
Weekend Update

We went to Breckenridge Sunday ...mountain excursions are something we don't do enough of. The drive is 2.5 hours flat - definitely a pleasant Sunday drive.

We walked up and down main street. It's full of ski shops (duh), boutiques, and restaurants. I came across this photography studio and had to take a picture for laughs. The name Altitude Photography cracks me up at how lame it is ... and then makes me laugh because { In the Moment } isn't any better.

Stopped into a particularity cute store and got the kids some souviners. A Bla Bla doll for Claire, and a guitar t-shirt for Caeden (who, ironically, hates music). *(And it's not the one shown here.)

However, I love music, and so I will dress him in Rock n Roll fashion until he either: learns to read and figures out who AC/DC is and what guitars stand for, or starts buying his own clothes.

Here's the man of the hour. We've got some chemo news. His bone marrow is still not generating the way it should and his blood counts are still too low for chemo. So, he was sent home again this morning. We're both feeling ambivient about it. On the one hand, it is nice to have him feeling good and functioning well. On the other, an 8th round would be nice - for piece of mind that we exhausted this type of chemo, for the insurance it provides, and for closure for Wayne. He sees his Oncologist on Friday and he'll have a game plan then...


  1. Oh, how I would love a mountain drive about now... Cute pics. Glad y'all got out and about.

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I heart these!




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