
This & That

You are looking at Wayne's new thing. Juicing. It's all thanks to our neighbor Kim. She brought over a tall container containing juice of: kale, grapes, oranges ... (and more, I am sure). It's something Wayne is almost allergic to (fruits and vegetables). Well, not allergic but something he has avoided most of his life. Weirdo.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when not only did he try it, but he liked it! Off to Costco he went for a juicer. Yesterday it was spinach, apples, and grapes. And you know what? It was really good. Even Caeden liked it.

It goes without saying (but I talk a lot so I will say it), I am very, very happy he is finding a way to get fruits and veggies into his system. If you know him at all, or have ever eaten with him, you know what a big deal this is. It's like getting a 3 year old to eat brussel sprouts.

Next: Ornaments. The only person who may appreciate these pictures is my brother in law. He loves the holidays as much as I do, and embraces it with gusto. Love that. Anyway, one of my favorite blogs is Apartment Therapy. The link to a subset of their blog is listed on my side bar (Odeedoh). Anyway, today they listed these ornaments from Ballard Designs. They are so clever for a child's tree (I decorate one in the kids' playroom as well as one in each of their rooms. Totally overboard to some, but I love the feeling of walking into a room illuminated with a twinkling tree during Christmas time.). Anyway, the beauty of this is that Ballard is totally overpriced ($69) and I can tell you how to make them on your own. Cuz' you know I will.

Get yourself some mini cream (or whatever color you like) Christmas ornaments, some alphabet stamps or a package of mini rub ons, and some staz-on ink (all found at craft stores and scrapbooking stores). Stamp, stamp, stamp.

Staz-on is a special ink that will not come off. Don't use normal stamp ink as it will smear. If you need some online suggestions for getting these things, just let me know.

Some other fun ideas would be numbers, or names (I did this a couple of years ago for gifts), special dates, sentimental sayings ... sky is the limit.

I think I will do cream with brown ink, and then tie them on the tree with red ribbon.

But I love white and black (especially with this type).

And back tracking to fall, look at these pumpkins. Darling!
You can find them here: Olive Juice Co.

Last but not least: Let me introduce Caeden's very first friends. The boys were all introduced before they could even roll over. During playdates, they would ... uh.. lay there, and my girlfriends would talk about everything under the sun. I loved those days so much. And miss them so much! Yesterday I got this picture via email from Kelly, and the subject line said, "We miss you!" So I sat at my computer with a lump in my throat, staring at these sweet kids all growing up ... and missed them, too. I would really like to get back to KC someday soon and see everyone. It would just be good for the soul. Except Wayne might have to send a search team out to find me to bring me home. I love Denver, but KC is still home. Still home.
Smooches and love to you guys!


  1. Oh Val! Thank you for including us in your post! I was just oohing and aahing over your alphabet ornaments, and then SURPRISE! There the kids are. Love it. I know that Josie and Kyndal would just fawn over Claire if we had a playdate with all of them. Someday. :)

  2. John's love of the holidays is contagious. I caught it back in college when I was trying oh-so-hard to be Scroogey.

    Oh damn him. Now I get a tree every year.

    P.S. (I'm Jewish)

  3. Thanks ever so much for the linky love. I'm delighted you like my Posh Squash. :)


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