
Weekend Update

There's a farm in the middle of town. Target has built across the street from it, Sports Authority down the block from it, and restaurants galore surround it. But the farm remains with it's big red barns, horses that look at you (wondering why you were at Target again), and a little unassuming house with it's porch light on most days and nights.

Caeden fell in love with the old Combine sitting on the property, and every time we would pass it, he would wonder outloud about the Farmer. "Mom, do you think he will drive the Combine today? Mom - Mom. Moooooooom! Where is the farmer? Do you think he'll let ME drive the Combine?"

On and On.

Then one day he said, "Mom, how about you take my picture with the Combine?"

SOLD! I drove our SUV down that Farmer's dirt road, past the horses (who clearly thought I was lost - Target is across the street, lady), and up to the house. No one was around, so I left a note, asking pretty please to have permission to photograph Caeden on their property.

And in my excitement, I left Wayne's phone number instead of mine.

He was irritated by that, but whatever. Details, details.

So, after Farmer Joe called back and said no problem! we went back out and took some pictures.

He had neat old gas pumps, too. Which I couldn't just walk by.

And that was how our weekend ended.

It started pretty good, too, but I don't have pictures of anything else. Short and sweet:

1. Mom and Dad (Donna and Dave) arrive from Rapid City and stay for the weekend.
2. BBQ at Mom & Ken's house. We ate ah-maz-ing steak, salad, & potatoes. Most everyone drank too much (except for 2 lame-o's: a certain someone who has a baby to put to bed and a certain someone with no hair who had to drive certain parents home).
3. Uncle Jim & Aunt Marlys stop in to visit on Sunday ...

And poof! The weekend is gone.


  1. Tricia8:14 AM

    Sounds like a fabulous weekend! So love the pictures!! Amazing as usual. Miss you guys.

  2. I love that you stopped and asked permission to use Farmer Joe's props. That is so cool. And the pics are awesome. I love these types of settings. Caeden has turned into quite the model for you. So handsome!

  3. I just love these pictures. The props, his outfit, the story behind them, everything. So good.

  4. Anonymous10:58 AM

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Anonymous11:23 AM

    My wife does that all time - I mean she has a Cellphone why doesn't she leave her number! I'm always getting random calls from people with specific information on a topic of which I have no clue!

    Love it - Dpatrick

  6. Cute Cute pictures of a cutest boy. Love the snoopy shirt too! What a happy weekend!

  7. What a great post!! Love the pictures!!


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