

Wayne was discharged from the hospital yesterday evening. He has to go back each day to get antibiotics intravenously until his count returns to normal.

I haven't mentioned our change of plans, yet. We are back in Denver. Unpacking (which makes me very crabby!) all the boxes ... of the entire house that I just packed up ...

Wayne's meeting with Dr. Patel was eye-opening. Wayne will remain on Ifosfamide, even after his chemo cocktail changes, because it is the best drug to fight his sarcoma. It is also the same drug that cannot be administered in Rapid City. The back and forth travel from Rapid to Houston has worn Wayne out. It doesn't make any sense for Wayne's sake, or our budget, to stay in Houston when we have a home in Denver that is just down the street from a hospital that can care for Wayne.

So, to recap, he will continue to go to Houston for scans and consults with Dr. Patel, but all treatment will be done here in Denver.

All of this change and stress has me eating lots of brownies. Wayne doesn't eat much and is down 70 pounds. He obviously is leaving the brownie eating to me. Thanks, babe.

Off to unpack. And eat more brownies.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    If I were close, I would bring vanilla ice cream and hot fudge and eat brownies with you!! Hot fudge brownie sundaes are my favorite! And you know, Val, there is a time when you need to be concerned about what you eat, and I promise you right now is NOT the time! :) Enjoy all the brownies you need to! Keeping you in my thoughts and in my heart. Hope Wayne is feeling better real soon!

    My love,

  2. OMG you guys are in my prayers! I will eat a brownie here in California today in solidarity with you :).


  3. Tricia1:33 PM

    Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. We all just had a brownie for you here at work!!! They were fabulous!!! Glad you're feeling better Wayne!

  4. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Warm the brownies in the microwave for 30 seconds and top with whip cream. NOTHING tastes better. ;-)
    I'm sorry for all the upset and craziness. You said it best in your recent blog, this is the new normal but it will settle down soon.
    Big Hugs!

  5. Anonymous4:18 PM

    My heart breaks for you guys. I wish there was something I could do to help. Other than prayers. And I'm sure your brownies are fat-free, knowing you.
    Take care

  6. I'm sure you have pureed some squash or something to add to your brownies...so they can't be that bad!! Hoping you feel settled soon. :)

  7. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Calories burned with Standing - Packing/unpacking Boxes

    Occasional Lifting Of Household Items Light - Moderate Effort

    238 calories per hour

    Eat all the brownies you want, considering you are burning 238 an hour unpacking boxes and even more chasing the kids around!

    You are in my prayers.

  8. Anonymous10:41 PM

    all treatment will be done here in Denver.

    see more here


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