
A 3 and a 7

Caeden, how old is Daddy today?

A 3 and a 7.

I'll take some fun pictures today and post them ... but this one is a favorite for all time.

The Low Down ....

Going to Armadillos for lunch (Steamburger and a Shake)

Caeden picked out a new blanket for Wayne (who is cold a lot). It's blue and feels so soft. Caeden said (as he was picking it out), "It feels like my Tiny." - which is his security blanket.

Wayne is getting a dock for his phone from me. I always stress over his presents because he is SO HARD to shop for. Have to get it in Denver, though.

Eating Cake. Lots and lots of cake.

Then we're headed to Deadwood. Staying in a hotel and hanging out. Going to dinner, maybe a little 3 card poker ...

That's it - low key and easy.

Happy Birthday Honey!


  1. Happy Birthday Wayne! You're only a 3 and a 7 once, enjoy it.

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Happy Birthday Wayne! Enjoy your day....It sounds like a glorious day!


  3. I want a picture of Wayne rolling around in the sawdust!

  4. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Sounds like a wonderful birthday-esp the part with cake :)

  5. Kellie B3:25 PM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR WAY-ANE (WITH THE PAUSE IN THE MIDDLE AS IF I WERE SINGING IT), HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. If we were in school, I would have called to have my students sing to you over the phone. Unfortunately, it is just me and I am pretty sure you don't want me to sing. :) Hope you have a wonderful day!

  6. Oooohhhhhhh the steamburgers....

    I wish you many many sawdust angels!


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