
Still Here.

This might be the longest break I've taken on the blog. Thanks to your emails, there is no way I could have forgotten to update it. :)

Wayne is on day 5 of chemo in Houston. He is tired but doing well. His dad is with him to remind him to drink lots of water and take care of him. It's comforting to know they're together, but it is difficult to be back here and not with Wayne. None of it feels good, but sometimes what is necessary doesn't always feel good. I keep reminding myself of this. Sometimes multiple times a day.

I started work this week. The office is great! I am traveling to Pierre next week to start selling advertising. I'll be gone M-Wednesday evening - missing Wayne by 1 day. He gets back Monday night, so I think we average almost 2 weeks apart before we see each other (between him being in Houston and my travel schedule). I hate doing the math on that because it makes me so sad.

The kids had their first week of daycare. Caeden has adjusted really well, although the first few days were horrible. He hated it. I hated it. It was just hard. However, it has turned out to be great for him. They keep him busy with activities and lots of kids to play with. Claire is upstairs with the other babies, and I am less thrilled with her arrangement. There are 12 babies and 3 people to care of them - all teenagers. She comes home dirty everyday and it is just so hard to see her not cared for in the manner that she needs. Needless to say, I am looking for somewhere else for her. Daycare - the entire topic has the ability to send my blood pressure through the roof. Sometimes I wonder if it's going to be one of those things that I will ever get used to.

We've been staying with Dave and Donna until our house sells. Donna has been wonderful! The mornings and evenings to so much smoother because of her help. When I fall into bed absolutely exhausted at 9 pm, she still finds the energy to go to the grocery store. Bless her!

Speaking of house, here is our listing: Koop House For Sale. We had it almost sold last weekend but the people who loved it needed 4 bedrooms and so they went with their 2nd choice. Such a bummer!

Off to weed the strawberries. They are starting to ripen! Yummm.


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Check with Plaza Blvd Day care in the Fountain Springs church. They are jusst past the coke plant. It has been a few years since we had our kids there, but they were fantastic at the time.

  2. Val, I worked at the hospital's daycare during my student teaching in Rapid and it was phenomenal. I believe the ratio of infants to adults was 2 babies to 1 adult. It isn't located at the hospital but in a neighborhood right off of Rushmore Road. They have programs for all ages and like I said, it was amazing. Something you may want to check out. Thinking good thoughts for you and your family.

  3. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Daycare is a tough one, I'm very opinionated on the topic. I will tell you 2 to avoid: Munchkin land & Melinda's little daycare. Just a heads up on those two. Kids Kastle, Banana Bunch.. those as well. Horror stories my friend. Stories like that make me appreciate my daycares even more. I know my son's would have room for you but she has a lot of kids. I am ok w/ that. I don't think you would be. Erika's got you on her list right??

  4. The pictures of the house look beautiful!! It is going to sell in no time. I miss you sooooooooo much! I hope we can catch each other on the phone soon! Hang in there, love you!

  5. Sounds as though the new schedule and routine will take some getting used to. So glad you are with family and have a lot of support. In no time at all you will have your routine, the kids will be where they are supposed to be and all will be just fine.
    I check the blog daily and every time I saw the old post I said a little prayer knowing that you were in the midst of something new and probably needing a little subliminal consoling.
    good luck with the house. It is lovely and as Lindsay stated, it will sell in no time.

  6. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I wish we lived in CO. I would buy your house in a heartbeat, sight unseen. Gorgeous! If my grandmother we in better health, I would say take Claire to her. She wouldn't get better care anywhere else, Caeden would be in heaven in the garage with my grandfather as well. Unfortunately I may be making some trips home soon to see them both before it is too late. I'll ask around and see if there is any suggestions. Glad things are going relatively well. Chin up, you can do this and so much more! I have faith in you.
    Always praying for you guys!

  7. You've all been in my thoughts and prayers...hugs to you and your darling family! Wish I could love your babies for you while you work!

  8. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I don't know if you remember me but I graduated from high school with Wayne. I've read your blog for the past few months and cried and laughed and sympathized with you on many occasions... I have wanted to comment many times but hesitated because I didn't want to seem like a stalker! I just have a few comments about daycares here in town... Fountain Springs is awesome (my boys have both gone there..) however they are closing at the end of summer. BUMMER! Another friend of mine (Krista Jordan)who also went to high school with Wayne has just started to take kids at her home. I know she would be more than happy to take yours and her kids are the same ages as yours and Wayne's. I don't want to give her number out here but friend me on facebook and I'll get you two in touch if you are interested. She is wonderful!!! Claire would be so well taken care of there. Talk to you soon! Welcome back to Rapid City!
    Tanya Kelly-Nelsen

  9. Anonymous2:28 PM

    i can't believe they wouldn't showcase Claire's room - it is something out of Living Cottage Baby Magazine ! not even a glimpse ??@!!! what is up with that ?


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